I would really recommend anyone to avoid this store. First time I ever used the store, my experience was poor and I haven’t been back since. The only plus for me really was the on site free parking, however it does tend to get busy.
The store itself looked quite clean and tidy and I easily managed to navigate my way round the store to get what I needed. I have a large family so I tend to use Iceland primarily for filling up my freezer. I find the fresh produce extremely poor quality and have even bought milk that has spoilt within 12hrs of purchase.
So I get to the till, the cashier was very young, inexperienced and very unprofessional. I loaded my shopping on one end and started bagging at the other. I had quite a lot and was not offered help packing although I’m not too bothered because I’d rather do it myself. Whilst I was packing the lady behind was getting impatient and I overheard her asking the cashier if I could just pay for my stuff now so she could be served. The cashier was intimidated by this and I could see that the lady was getting impatient. He was about to ask me when the lady butted in she came across very rude with her manner and tone towards me. On that basis I continued to pack my shopping at my own pace and refused to pay for my items until I had packed.
Normally I would have been more then amicable, but not in this instance. The cashier started rushing me but still didn’t help pack. I could see he was getting stressed because of the lady behind. His communication was poor, made me feel rushed and overall was a very negative experience. He could have explained to the lady that she should wait her turn and be patient however he didn’t, he made me feel rushed like I was one big inconvenience.
When I returned home I made a complaint and they did give me a free £10 voucher. But it still wasn’t enough to make me continue shopping at this particular store.